Have you been diagnosed with sleep apnea, yet you find it virtually impossible to use a CPAP machine? This is something that many people would readily agree with, and as such many individuals who have been diagnosed with sleep apnea make the decision not to use the CPAP machine even though they have the disorder.
Sometimes this is because they are embarrassed to use the machine in front of others and sometimes it is because it is uncomfortable and loud, thus making it virtually impossible to fall asleep. At best, the CPAP machine is cumbersome and in a worst case scenario, it prevents you from getting any sleep at all. In these cases it can even become a bigger factor than the diagnosis of sleep apnea itself.
What is Provent?
Fortunately, there are other solutions to successfully treat sleep apnea besides using a CPAP machine. One of the newest solutions is known as Provent. Provent is not something that you get a prescription for through your physician’s office, but rather at your dentist’s office. Provent is a disposable device that is placed over the nose which is specifically designed to keep soft tissues in the airway from collapsing.
Instead of working in the same fashion as a CPAP machine, which produces forced air at all times, Provent works with your body as you exhale to create positive air pressure which helps to prevent the soft tissues in your airway from collapsing and causing sleep apnea. It can be thought of as a way to clear your airway and make the air passages better able to allow air to flow freely.
Get back to restful sleep
Provent is a treatment that is used only one time and then discarded. It is much less distracting than the CPAP machine and accomplishes the same end result, which is alleviating your sleep apnea symptoms and allowing you to get the restful sleep that you must have in order to function normally.
Learn more
If you are suffering from sleep apnea and you have been looking for a solution other than CPAP, you may want to find out more about Provent. To do so, you can contact your Oak Creek dentist and ask about the treatment in order to discover if it is right for you. Your dentist will work with you to determine if Provent will be an effective treatment for your sleep apnea and if so, to get you the treatment that you need. Instead of fighting with a lack of sleep each night, have a discussion with your dentist and find out if Provent is right for you.
If you have any questions about Provent, ask me today and I’ll reply by tomorrow.?