Can a dentist treat neck pain?

tmj neck pain kenosha oak creek racine milwaukee Do you suffer from chronic neck pain? You may be surprised to learn that your neck pain could potentially be associated with your TMJ instead of a neck problem. Neck pain may be caused by TMJ and, if it is, your dentist may be able to treat the condition more effectively than any other type of medical professional.

If you find that your neck pain is associated with TMJ, your first course of action will be to visit your dentist and work out a treatment plan that can help to resolve the symptoms. By effectively treating TMJ and the symptoms that accompany the disorder, you may find that your neck pain can be relieved. It is important to remember that TMJ pain is not always experienced in a single location. You may feel relatively little pain in the jaw while experiencing excruciating pain in the neck.

What’s the connection?

Your neck is connected to the muscles and joints in your face, head and jaw. Therefore, when TMJ begins to cause problems in the joints of the jaw, it is very easy for the nerves to become overly irritated and send pain signals to the neck. Again, by eliminating the pressure that is associated with TMJ, this pain can be reduced and may even completely disappear with proper treatment over a given period of time.

Find a solution

Eliminating neck pain that is caused by TMJ must be dealt with at the source. Therefore, your dentist may prescribe a number of different methods to help you relieve the excessive stress and pressure that is placed on the joints of the jaw. By limiting these pressure points, you are essentially reducing the irritation and inflammation that exists within the muscles of the jaw and the neck, thereby reducing your level of pain.

The specific course of treatment, as well as the length of treatment, will vary for different people. Since everyone responds to treatment differently, a correct diagnosis is an important first step. The sooner you find the root cause of the pain and take steps to correct the matter, the sooner you can live your life free of debilitating pain.

Is it TMJ? Find out

TMJ is a complex disorder that can be difficult to diagnose. If you are wondering is your neck pain is associated with TMJ, take my TMJ questionnaire. ?I’ll reply with a free, no obligations diagnostic recommendation that may help you find your way to a resolution at last.

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