Smile Rejuvenation

How Your Smile Got Started

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Your smile was defined in your early days. Childhood allergies, early tooth loss, missing teeth, thumb sucking and large tonsils and adenoids contributed to how your upper and lower jaw developed, how your teeth mesh These headaches will be the end of me together, and how you smile today.

It’s Not Just Your Smile? – But Your Entire Facial Appearance Too.

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Over time, things wear out! Whether it’s your shoes, your car, or… your smile.

Time might be a great healer, but it’s a lousy beautician. Time not only affects the front teeth but the back teeth too. And ‘Wear’ affects not only your teeth, it will add years to your face.

As teeth wear, the lower and the upper jaw move closer together. Think of it as your chin is moving closer to your nose. Shortening of your teeth causes your lips to change, crease forming on the sides of your nose and mouth, jowls on the sides of your jaw.

Smile Rejuvenation Is NOT A Surgical Process, And Is As Simple As 4 Easy Steps

Previously, there has been little that could be done to turn back the hands of time. ?UNTIL NOW. Smile Rejuvenation brings back the BALANCE to your bite by re-aligning and restoring your teeth. Dr. Westman works to  re-create the best bite possible for you, and helps to free you from problems that may have developed either as a young child or in your adult life.

Here’s How It Works:

STEP 1: Choose your smile from our Smile Catalogue
STEP 2: Impressions of your teeth are taken
STEP 3: A wax “mock-up” of your smile is made for you to preview
STEP 4: With porcelain veneers, your smile is restored, to the look you always wanted

Choose your smile…

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Smile Rejuvenation Can Make You LOOK And FEEL Younger

Dr. Westman strives to return your teeth to their natural size and restore a worn smile. Smile Rejuvenation allows us to fix both cosmetic AND functional concerns.

Remember that great smile you had (or always wanted), get it now!

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Office Hours
Monday - Friday: 7am - 2pm

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