
A Beginner’s Guide to Physiologic Dentistry

March 26, 2019

A Beginner’s Guide to Neuromuscular Dentistry Neuromuscular dentistry is an option for patients suffering from TMJ, also known as temporomandibular joint disorder. Symptoms of TMJ include headaches, jaw pain and clicking and grinding sounds upon moving the jaw. In many cases, patients suffer from these symptoms for years without finding effective treatment. Neuromuscular dentistry can […]

TMJ symptoms

March 26, 2019

2 things people suffering from TMJ symptoms should know about Temporomandibular joint disorder, commonly called TMJ, is a painful condition that is the result of a dysfunctional jaw joint. While it is not known precisely how many people suffer from TMJ symptoms (estimates point to around 10 million), what is known is how painful and […]

CPAP alternatives: What no one is talking about

March 26, 2019

Did you know that CPAP is not the only solution for sleep apnea? Obstructive sleep apnea can is caused by an obstruction of your airway at night, stopping you breathing properly, and robing you of the oxygen and quality sleep you need to be healthy. The brief pauses in breathing that sleep apnea causes can […]

5 bad habits people who snore need to quit

March 26, 2019

Certain habits can cause or worsen snoring in people who are prone to it. By making changes in these areas, patients can improve their own sleep quality as well as that of their bed partners. Here are five bad habits that snorers should quit. 1. Eating dinner shortly before bedtime Going to bed before fully […]

Jaw and Ear Pain

March 26, 2019

If you are fighting jaw and ear pain, you know that it can really wear you down. Any time that discomfort is a constant companion, it makes it difficult to enjoy life. Don’t sit back and accept the pain. Consider 6 ways that you can overcome jaw and ear pain permanently. 1. Find Stress Relief […]

The ultimate TMJ neck pain relief cheatsheet

March 26, 2019

TMJ, or Temporomandibular Jaw Disorder, is a progressively painful condition affecting the muscles, ligaments, and tissues surrounding the jaw joint. Over time, if left untreated, TMJ pain can extend down to your neck, shoulder and back. This neck pain cheat sheet will give you handy exercises to ease TMJ neck pain. Cold and Warm Compresses […]

TMJ Headaches

March 26, 2019

Do you have severe and frequent TMJ headaches? Have you tried home remedies but find that the pain keeps coming back anyway? Are you frustrated and considering taking the next step in your TMJ treatment? There are millions of Americans suffering daily from many different types of headaches, and modern technology is providing new and […]

TMJ causes

March 26, 2019

If you are dealing with chronic headaches, earaches, pain in your neck, and an aggravating ache in your shoulders, one problem could be at the root of your problems. Add jaw pain or a clicking noise when you eat and TMJ is most likely to blame. TMJ, or temporomandibular disorder, affects millions of Americans, although […]

Sleep disorders

March 26, 2019

Sleep disorders like sleep apnea and snoring are no laughing matter. Whether you are the victim, it’s someone in your household, or a stranger out on the street, sleep disorders can have a major impact on just about everything. It’s easy to see when we think about four things we all hate about sleep disorders […]

TMJ Jaw Problems

March 26, 2019

If you are suffering from chronic headaches, can never get rid of that stiff neck, or find that your shoulders are aching all of the time, your jaw could be the root of your problem. Other obvious signs include tenderness in your jaw, swelling, or difficulty opening and closing your mouth. If you are struggling […]

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